Have you heard of "Sheeple"? Sheeple is a word combo between Sheep and People. Meaning, people who base their choices on what an authority figure or someone else told them, without using their own knowledge or discernment .
I think most of us, including myself, could say that we have all been Sheeple at one time or another. Going with the crowd or "herd" with out asking questions or having an understanding of why we do some things.
One thing that stands out to me is children's vaccinations. It is something I knew NOTHING about and would have never thought to question it, before reading a couple books recommended by friends. In these books, it explains what is in each vaccine, the benefits, the possible side effects, the chances of actually contracting the virus you are trying to vaccinate against , the likeliness of the vaccine causing the virus, and so much more. This really opened my eyes and my whole world to so many questions. Josh and I decided against almost all vaccines for our family. It wasn't an easy decision. It took time, research, and prayer. There is no one right answer, for everybody. But I believe this one is the right one for us.
This post isn't really about vaccines, but about asking questions & seeking answers.
Let's not follow the crowd in anything we do. Ask questions. Become aware of the things we do and the choices we make for ourselves and the people we affect!