Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So much to do, so little time!

Today is week 3, day 1 of my p90x journey. It's going much faster than I would have imagined! I'm proud to say I haven't missed a day. Usually by now, I would have made about 10,000 excuses for why "I couldn't work out today". Some of them would have even been legitimate! Finding time for fitness and healthy eating is NOT always convenient  or easy, but I know the end result will be worth it! 

I am blessed to be able to stay home with Corbin, who is now 8 months old! He keeps me BUSY! Along with being 8 months old comes two new teeth, soldier crawling -which has turned into more of a frog hop, separation anxiety, and never ending curiosity. Naps are always fun...when they happen! :) I am thankful to have a pretty happy lil' guy. Even when he is overtired and laying in his crib, he finds reason to laugh. What he is laughing at.. I have no idea. Maybe it's because he knows he has me wrapped & I'll be in to check on him soon. 

Well here I am at 9:30 pm blogging ,when I should be finishing the last half of my workout! ( he woke up early from his nap today) SO finding time for all the things that keep me busy, sometimes require a late night workout... -___-  Wish me some energy! 

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